Air CadetsAkeman StreetAlan RoadAlbemarle RoadAlbion RoadAlexandra ParkAlison StreetAll Saints ChurchAll Saints' ChurchAll Saints PassageAll Souls LaneAlmoners' AvenueAlpha TerraceAmbury HillAmerican CemeteryAnchor LaneAngle EndAnglesey AvenueAnn Suckling RoadAnsley WayAnstey WayApley WayAragon CloseArmitage WayArmstrong RoadArrendene RoadArundel RoadAscham LaneAscham RoadAsdaAshbury CloseAshen GreenAshfield RoadAspen GreenAtkins CloseAudley End VillageAvenue RoadBabraham RoadBabraham Road Park-And-RideBack HillBack LaneBadcock RoadBailey CloseBakers ArmsBakers LaneBaptist ChurchBarkwaysBar LaneBarlow High SchoolBarnabas CourtBarnardiston ArmsBarnwell DriveBarnwell RoadBarracksBarton RoadBateman StreetBaumgartnerBedford RoadBeechcroftBeech GroveBeech LaneBeechwood GardensBeehive Retail ParkBelbin WayBeldam'S CloseBell CloseBell HoltBelmont PlaceBene'T StreetBentley RoadBerghott CloseBeveridge StreetBewicks MeadBilberry RoadBirchington RoadBird Farm RoadBirdwood RoadBishop Laney DriveBishops RoadBishop'S RoadBlackhall RoadBlackmore CloseBlinco GroveBlue Lion PhBorton AvenueBosley AvenueBotanic GardensBourne RoadBower LaneBower PlaceBowling ClubBrampton RoadBreydon WayBrickfield StudBridge CloseBridge HotelBridge StreetBridle WayBritish Antarctic SurveyBroadcroft CrescentBroadfield RoadBroad LaneBroad OaksBroad StreetBroadwayBrock HillBrock Hill FarmBrockholt RoadBrockley RoadBrookfieldsBrooksideBrookside GroveBrownlow RoadBruce GroveBuchan St RoundaboutBull LaneBulstrode GardensBurnt CloseBurton EndBury End FarmBusiness ParkBus Interchange (Stand C)Bus StationBus Station (Bay 4)Bus Station (Bay 5)Bus Station (Bay 7)Bus Station (Bay 8)Bus Station (Stand 10)Bus Station (Stand 6)Bus Station (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand O)Bus Station (Stop 1)Cage HillCalifornia RoadCambridge AirportCambridge GardensCambridge LodgeCambridge North Railway Station (Stop 2)Cambridge North Railway Station (Stop 3)Cambridge RdCambridge Reg ColCambridge RoadCampkin RoadCam Uni Vet SchoolCapital ParkCaravan ParkCardinals WayCar Dyke RoadCarisbrooke RoadCarlton WayCarlyle GardensCarlyle RoadCar ParkCastledon RoadCastle StreetCathedral (Stop Cc)Catholic ChurchCausewaysideCedar DriveC & E HospitalCemeteryChalkley Bush CloseChapelfield WayChapel HillChapel LaneChapel RoadChapel StreetChaston RoadCheney WayChequers Bus Station (Stop H1)Chequers Bus Station (Stop J4)Chequers CloseChesterton RoadChestnut RoadChrishall RoadChrist'S CollegeChurchChurch EndChurchfield AvenueChurch GreenChurch LaneChurch PlaceChurch RoadChurch StreetChurch ViewCircus DriveClaremont RoadClare ParkClare RoadClayhithe FarmClifford DriveClifton ParkClifton RoadCockerton RoadCockfen LaneCody RoadColeridge RoadCollege AvenueCollege Of West AngliaComberton Village CollegeCommon RoadCommunity CentreConiston RoadCo-OpCoploe RoadCopperbeech CloseCoppice AvenueCornwallis RoadCorpus Christi ColCottagesCouncil OfficesCourtney WayCovent GardenCressbrook DriveCricket GroundCromwell GardensCromwell PlCrossroads Plain RoadCrown LaneCrowsheath LnDaffodil WalkDamask CloseDame Mary Archer WayDane DriveDean StreetDeben RoadDe Freville AvenueDe La Warr WayDennis RoadDennis TerraceDepot RoadDerwent CloseDitton LaneDitton WalkDovedale CloseDovehouse CloseDownham RoadDownham'S LaneDowning CollegeDowsetts LaneDriving Test CentreDrummer St Bus Station (Bay 10)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 11)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 12)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 3)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 4)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 5)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 6)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 7)Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 8)
Drummer St Bus Station (Bay 9)Drummer Street (Stop D1)Drummer Street (Stop D2)Drummer Street (Stop D3)Dry Drayton RoadDuck LaneDudley RoadDunsbridge TurnpikeEagle LaneEastfieldsEaton Ford GreenEdgerton RoadEdmund CloseEkin RoadEland WayElin WayElizabeth WayEllesmere RoadElm DriveElms Farm Industrial EstateElm SideElm Tree CloseElm WayElsworth RoadEltisley AvenueEltisley RoadEly RoadEmmanuel Street (Stop E1)Emmanuel Street (Stop E2)Emmanuel Street (Stop E3)Emmanuel Street (Stop E4)Emmanuel Street (Stop E5)EnglericErmine StreetErmine WayEversden RoadFairbairn RoadFairey AvenueFair StreetFalconer CourtFallowfieldFambridge DriveFassage CloseFendon CloseFerndaleFerrars WayField Cottage RoadFielding Industrial EstateField RoadFire StationFisher'S LaneFison RoadFitzwilliam CollegeFitzwilliam MuseumFleam Dyke CottagesFletcher AvenueFog Lane (Stop A)Forest GladeFortForties CloseFountain LaneFowlers CourtFowlers DriveFowlmere RoadFoxcotte FarmFox GreenFox HillFox RoadFrancis Crick AvenueFranks LaneFraser RoadFriar'S WayGalleonsGalleywood CommonGanwick CloseGarageGarden WalkGarner DriveGarswood RoadGazeley RoadGazelle WayGerard RoadGibson CloseGilbert RoadGirton FarmGirton RoadGladstone WayGlebe Farm DriveGlebe RoadGlenmere CloseGlobe LaneGloucester RoadGoldington GreenGonville PlaceGough WayGrafton Centre (Bay B)Granby StreetGrange FarmGrange LaneGrange RoadGranta TerraceGrantchester RoadGrantchester StreetGravenhurst RoadGray RoadGreame StreetGreat St Mary'S ChurchGreat Western StreetGreenlanesGreen'S RoadGreen StreetGregory CloseGretton SchoolGreville RoadGreystoke RoadGuernsey Gardens LrGuernsey Gardens UpGurney WayGuyatt CourtGwydir StreetHaggis GapHalatte GardensHall CloseHall FarmHall LaneHallworth DriveHamilton RoadHampden CloseHampden WayHanscombe End RoadHardwick RoadHare And HoundsHarris CloseHartfield RoadHaslingfield RoadHatley DriveHauxton RoadHaverhill RoadHawkins RoadHawthorn AvenueHawthorn WayHayle RoadHazel CloseHeadland AvenueHealth CentreHeath RoadHelions WalkHerring'S CloseHertford StreetHeyscroft RoadHicks LaneHighclere CloseHigh Ditch RoadHighfield CloseHighfields RoadHigh GreenHigh MeadowHigh SchoolHigh StreetHill FarmHillfieldHillfoot EndHills Rd 6Th Form ColHills RoadHill ViewHillwayHinchingbrooke HospitalHinton AvenueHinton WayHiston Road CornerH & M (Stop Dc)Hobson AvenueHolben CloseHolbrook RoadHolland HallHolme WayHome CloseHorizon ParkHorseheath GreenHorse Racing MuseumHospitalHospital Bus Station (Bay A)Hospital Bus Station (Bay B)Hospital Bus Station (Bay C)Hospital Bus Station (Bay D)Hospital OutpatientsHoward RoadHowe RoadHowgate RoadHowitts GardensHowitts LaneHuntingdon County Junior SchoolHunts Regional CollegeHurricane WayHylands ParadeIckleton RoadIda Darwin HospitalImpala Drive WalkwayImperial War Museum Hangar 1Impetts LaneIngham RoadInglewoodIvel RoadIzaak Walton WayJackson CloseJasmine CourtJaywick RoadJeavons LaneJersey GardensJesus CollegeJob Centre (Stop Dd)John Breay CloseJubilee CourtKendal WayKentingsKestrel RoadKeynes RoadKingfisher CloseKing'S AvenueKings CourtKing'S GateKings GroveKings Hedges DriveKing'S LaneKing'S SchoolKing Street (Stop L3)Kirby TerraceKirkwood RoadKnolls WayLadybarn ParkLangley CloseLangley GardensLarkfield Training CtrLarks CloseLaureate School RoadLawrence Weaver RoadLevellers LaneLeys SchoolLibraryLichfield RoadLily HouseLily WayLimedale CloseLimekiln RoadLinden CloseLinnet DriveLinton CornerLinton RoadLions CrossLittlebury Turn
Little Common FarmLittle End RoadLode AvenueLondon RoadLong LaneLongmeadowLong Rd 6Th Form CollLong RoadLongsands RoadLord ProtectorLordship CloseLovell RoadLoves WayLower SchoolLower School GateLower Stone Street (Stop F)Lower StreetLucerne CloseLysander CloseMacfarlane CloseMadingley Rd Park-And-Ride (Bay 3)Madingley RoadMadingley Road Park & RideMagna CloseMaidstone West Railway Station (Stop A1)Malden CloseMalin CloseMalting LaneMalton LaneMander WayMandevilleManor CloseManor Farm CloseManor Farm RoadManor HouseManor RoadMaris GreenMarket Square (Stop D)Market Square (Stop E)Market Street (Stop A)Market Street (Stop B)Marquis HillMarquis Of Granby PhMarshalls AvenueMarshall'S CloseMaryland AvenueMatthew Parker CloseMauldeth RoadMayes RoadMay'S AvenueMeadowlands RoadMeadow WayMelbourn RoadMelbourn Science ParkMelville DriveMere WayMethodist ChapelMidfield Lodge Nursing HomeMildenhall PlaceMiles DriveMill CloseMill End CloseMillers WayMillfield FarmMillfield ParkMillfields WayMill HillMill HouseMill LaneMill Reef CloseMill RoadMilne AvenueMilton Park-And-Ride (Stop 1)Milton RoadMonkfield Park Primary SchoolMoor CloseMortimer RoadMorton CloseMoss Lane EastMoulsham StreetMount Pleasant FarmMowbray RoadMusgrove WayNapier StreetNayland RoadNess RoadNetherhall SchoolNeville RoadNew Astley ClubNewmarket AcademyNewmarket Park-And-RideNewmarket RoadNew Meppershall Care HomeNewnham CloseNewnham StreetNew RoadNew StreetNewton RoadNewtownNimbus WayNorgett'S LaneNorrington RoadNorth End RoadNotley RoadNuffield HospitalNursery SchoolNursing HomeOak RoadOaks WoodOakwood ParkOldfield Farm RoadOld Houghton RoadOld Loose HillOld Moat ParkOld Post OfficeOld RectoryOld School LaneOrchard CloseOrchard RoadOrchard WayOrwell RoadOwl WayPapworth HospitalPark LanePark RoadPark Road TurnParksideParkside (Bay 17)Parkside RoadParkville RoadParrs Wood RoadParsonage WayPeacocksPebmarsh DrivePembroke AvenuePembroke StreetPepys WayPeriwinkle ClosePerse SchoolPerse WayPersimmon WalkPetersfield RoadPettis RoadPeverel RoadPhilippa Fawcett DrivePinehurstPinkeneysPix RoadPlains AvenuePlaistow WayPlatt LanePlay AreaPlaygroundPlaying FieldPolehanger FarmPool WayPoplar WayPorson RoadPortwayPostley RoadPost OfficePound GreenPound WayPrimary SchoolPrincess Road (Stop B)Priory GatePriory RoadPriory WalkPuddicombe WayPurcell WayQueen Edith ChapelQueen Edith'S WayQueens CloseQueens' CollegeQueens RoadQueen StreetQueenswayQueens WayRadegund RoadRaf Wyton Main GateRailway StationRailway Station (Stand 11)Railway Station (Stand 12)Railway Station (Stop 2)Railway Station (Stop 3)Railway Station (Stop 6)Railway Station (Stop 7)Railway Station (Stop 8)Ramsey RoadRawlyn RoadRc ChurchRecreation GroundRectory Farm RoadRectory RoadRed Cross LaneRed Hill Farm TurnRedwall LaneReed CloseRegent CourtResearch ParkResearch Park EntranceRetail Market (Stop 1)Retail ParkRichmond RoadRisbridge DriveRising BollardsRiver LaneRiverside Business ParkRobinson CollegeRobinson WayRock RoadRocky Hill (Stop U)Rogers RoadRomsey TerraceRosemount CloseRosie Maternity Unit (Stop F)Rosie Maternity Unit (Stop G)Ross StreetRoundaboutRoundel WayRoyal Star Arcade (Stop E3)Royston Railway Station (Stop B)Royston Railway Station (Stop C)Russell GardensRutherford RoadSackville WaySaffron CloseSainsburysSainsbury'SSalt'S AvenueSamuel Ward SchoolSamuel Whitbread SchoolSawston BypassSawston Village College GroundsScarsdale CloseSchoolSchool LaneScience ParkScotgrange MeadowScotland RoadScotts GardensSelwyn CollegeSelwyn RoadShaftesbury RoadSheal'S CrescentSheppard WaySherbourne CloseShire HallShort RoadShort Street
Silver Birch CloseSilverdale AvenueSilver StreetSix BellsSlid LaneSnowdonia WaySouth Lodge HotelSouth StreetSouth TerraceSpicer'S CloseSpooners CloseSpring CloseSpringhead LaneSpring Meadow Infants SchSt Andrew'S ChurchSt Andrew'S HillSt Andrew'S StreetSt Andrew'S Street (Stop 4)St Andrew'S Street (Stop S1)St Andrew'S Street (Stop S2)St Andrew'S Street (Stop S3)Stanesfield RoadStanley AvenueStanley RoadSt Ann'S Green LaneStation AvenueStation RoadStation Road WestStation StreetStation TurnSt Bede'S SchoolSt Edmund'S ChurchSt Edmund'S WaySt Georges ChurchSt Giles' ChurchSt Ives RoadSt John'S Coll PathwaySt John'S CrossSt John'S HospitalSt. John'S LaneSt John'S RoadSt Johns StreetSt John'S StreetSt. John The Baptist'S ChurchSt Kilda AvenueSt Martins ChurchSt Mary'S ChurchSt. Mary'S ChurchSt Mary'S Rc SchoolSt Michael'S ChurchSt Neots RoadSt Omar CloseStonehill RoadStorey'S WaySt Paul'S RoadSt Peters StreetSt Peter'S StreetStrangeways RoadSt Thomas'S SquareStudland Park CentreStudlands Park AvenueSudbury RoadSunderland AvenueSuperstoreSurgerySursham AvenueSutherland PlaceSwaffham RoadSwayne LaneSweetings RoadTamarin GardensTannersfield WayTannery RoadTaylors RoadTea Kettle LaneTern CloseTerrace RoadTescoTesco Car ParkTesco StoreTeversham DriftTeversham RoadThe AvenueThe BroadwayThe Busway Cambridge North (Stop 1)The Busway Fen Drayton LakesThe Busway Histon And ImpingtonThe Busway Longstanton Park & RideThe Busway New SquareThe Busway OakingtonThe Busway ParksideThe Busway Railway Station (Stop 1)The Busway Railway Station (Stop 9)The Busway Regent StreetThe Busway Regional CollegeThe Busway Science ParkThe Busway Station RoadThe Busway St Ives Park And RideThe Busway SwaveseyThe Busway Trumpington Park-And-RideThe ButtsThe Cannon (Stop B)The Cannon (Stop T)The CoppiceThe CrossThe Crown - NorthThe Derby DiggerThe EagleThe FairwayThe FirsThe Five BellsThe FootpathThe FoxThe GlebeThe GreenThe Green Cricket GroundThe GreenwayThe Guineas Bus StationThe HamletThe HollowThe LaneThe LimesThe LinksThe MallardsThe MeadowsThe Old NurseryThe Old Rose & CrownThe PoplarsThe Post OfficeThe PoundThe Queen AdelaideThe RidgewayThe RodingsThe Running MareThe ShipThe SladeThe SteamerThe Stile BridgeThe SwanThe SwansThe Tennis CourtsThe Walnut TreeThe WhaddonsThe WheatsheafThe Wheatsheaf PhThe White HorseThe WychesThongsleyThorleye RoadThornton RoadThoroughfare WayThorpe WayThrift'S WalkTiptree GroveToft LaneToft RoadTown HallToyse LaneTree TopsTrumpington Park-And-RideTrumpington Park & RideTrumpington RoadTrundley CloseTwinsteadUnderlyn Industrial EstateUnderpassUnion LaneUniversity LibraryUphall RoadUplands Community CentreUpton End RoadUpton LaneVeterinary SchoolVicarage CloseVicarage FarmyardVicarage LaneVictoria HouseVictoria ParkVictoria RoadVictoria WayVillage CollegeVillage HallVinery RoadVinery WayWaddelow RoadWalnut FarmWalnut Tree CloseWantz CornerWar MemorialWaterbeach RoadWater LaneWaterloo DriveWaterloo StreetWater TowerWaveney ChambersWaveney CrescentWaveney CresentWellbrook WayWestbrook CentreWest End TavernWestfield RoadWest GreenWest HubWestland RoadWeston Colville RoadWeston Wood CottagesWeston Woods CottagesWest RoadWestward DealsWest Wickham RoadWest Wratting RoadWheelers LaneWheelwright CloseWhitecroft RoadWhitehall FarmWhite Hart LaneWhite Horse PhWhite SwanWhitley RoadWhitney CloseWhittle AvenueWick DriveWilberforce RoadWilbraham RoadWilliam Gates BuildingWillow WayWilmslow Road (Stop A)Windlesham CloseWindmill LaneWindsor RoadWinfold RoadWinship RoadWoodfield LaneWood Green Animal ShelterWoodhouse WayWoodland Burial GroundWood LaneWoodmer EndWood StreetWood Street TescoWoollards LaneWren ParkWright'S CloseWulfstan WayWyboston FootbridgeYarrow RoadYew Tree RoadYork CloseYork Road
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