28 East Retail ParkA34 BridgeAbbotts CourtAbbotts RiseAbercarn LibraryAbergavenny Bus Station Stand 4Abernant CrescentAber StationAcacia AvenueAckers RoadAero Engine WorksAgincourt SquareAlbert RoadAlbert StreetAlbion SquareAlbury RoadAldiAldi (Stop L)Alexandra ParkAlicia CrescentAlicia WayAlison HouseAllotmentsAll Saints ChurchAll Saints DriveAll Saints SchoolAllt-Yr-Yn AvenueAllt-Yr-Yn CloseAllt-Yr-Yn Tennis ClubAllt-Yr-Yn ViewAlmond AvenueAlmshousesAlms HousesAlway Primary SchoolAlway ShopsAmbulance HallAmwell RoundaboutAnglia Ruskin UniversityAnnesley RoadAnning RoadApexAppleton HallApple Tree FarmApril CottageArgyle StreetArmistice AveArmy BarracksArnold Road (Stop Sh50)Arnold Road (Stop Sh51)Arnos CourtArthur`S CourtArthur StreetAsdaAsda Car ParkAsda Petrol StationAshbourne ManorAshbridgeAsh GroveAsh MeadowAsh Tree ViewAston CrescentAstor DriveAugustan CloseAugustan WayAustin FieldsAutopiaAvicenna Medical CentreAvondale CloseBack Lane-Heddon ViewBackmarch RoadBack O' YardsBaglan HotelBakehouse LaneBakery HousesBakewell Drive (Stop Tv10)Bakewell Drive (Stop Tv13)Bala DriveBalance RoadBankfield RoadBank RoadBantock CloseBargoed Interchange Stand 5Barkingside Police Station (Stop N)BarnetsBarnlakeBarn StreetBarons CourtBarrack Hill FootbridgeBarrymore RoadBarry SidingsBarsbank LaneBason BridgeBasonbridge InnBassaleg Comprehensive SchoolBassaleg Post OfficeBassaleg SchoolBeach RoadBeal Road (Stop Vk)Beattyville Gardens (Stop Cs)Beauchamp StreetBeaufort PlaceBeaulieu RydesBecontree Heath Leisure Centre (Stop G)Becontree Heath Leisure Centre (Stop K)Bedwas Council OfficesBedwas Road ShopBedwellty PitsBeecham StreetBeech AvenueBeech Grove (Stop E)Beech Grove (Stop S)Beechurst RoadBeechwood CrescentBeechwood DriveBeechwood ParkBeechwood Road TopBeechwood SurgeryBeehive Lane (Stop Cj)Beehive Lane (Stop Cm)Beer CrossBeer RoadBellamys LaneBelle Vue ParkBelle Vue RoadBell InnBell LaneBelmont AbbeyBelmont RoadBelvedere TerraceBen Johnson Way StepsBergen WayBerkeley RoadBerllan-DegBerllanderiBernard Street (Stop Sh43)Bernard Street (Stop Sh59)Berryhill FarmBessemer CloseBessemer RoadBestwood Park Drive West (Stop Rp17)Bethany CornerBethell Avenue (Stop Va)Bethell Avenue (Stop Vr)Bettws CentreBettws High SchoolBettws LaneBeulah StreetBier CrossBig ArchBilston StreetBirchgroveBirch GroveBirch Grove ExitBishops ParkBishpool CourtBishpool LaneBishpool WayBlackbirdsBlackett AvenueBlack Horse InnBlack PrinceBlack Rock RoadBlacksmith'S WayBlackweirBlackwood Bus Station Stand 3 (Stand 3)Blackwood Bus Station Stand 6 (Stand 6)Blackwood Bus Station Stand 7 (Stand 7)Blackwood Bus Station Stand 9 (Stand 9)Blackwood Gate Retail ParkBlackwood Miners InstituteBladen CloseBlaencwm BridgeBlaencwm Post OfficeBlaenrhondda Post OfficeBlaenrhondda SquareBlaen-Y-PantBlaen-Y-Pant HouseBlaina WharfBlaydon Bank-Alice StreetBlaydon Bank-Monarch TerraceBleach GreenBlenheim AvenueBlenheim Park SchoolBloomery CircleBluebell CourtBluebell InnBordon RoadBoreland RoadBottom FarmBottom ShopsBourne LaneBourne RoadBower CrescentBowery AvenueBowling GreenBradley RoadBrandville Gardens (Stop Q)Brandville Gardens (Stop Y)Brewery Square (Stop B)Brian AvenueBriar CourtBridge HillBridge SchoolBridge StreetBridge Street (Stop J)BridlepathBridport Medical CentreBrigantine DriveBrindley RoadBrislington HouseBrislington SquareBristol BridgeBritish LegionBritish School CloseBroadfield WayBroadmeadBroadmead ParkBroad StreetBroadwalkBroadwayBroadwood CloseBrocket Way HainaultBrockweir BridgeBrookfield Primary SchoolBroomfields RoadBrunel QuayBryde CloseBryn BevanBrynderwen LaneBryndu FarmBryn EglwysBryngaer PlaceBrynglas AvenueBryn MilwrBuckingham Road Ilford (Stop R)Buddell'S LaneBuilders YardBulwark CornerBulwark ShopsBungalowsBurford StreetBurnside Road (Stop R)Burrium GateBurtonsBus DepotBus Depot DepBus Interchange (Stand 10)Bus ShelterBus Station (Bay 1)Bus Station (Bay 15)Bus Station (Stand 4)Bus Station (Stand 6)Bus Station (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand B)Bus Station Stand D (Stand D)Bus Station (Stop 1)Bus Station (Stop 6)Bute StreetBypassBy-Pass BridgeByrd CrescentByron RoadCaddy`SCae Brynton RoadCaeglasCaerleon PoCaerleon RoadCaerleon Road BungalowsCaerleon Road WestCaerleon Town HallCaerlicyn LaneCaer Perllan RoadCaerphilly CloseCaerphilly Interchange Stand 10Caerphilly Interchange Stand 11Caerphilly Interchange Stand 6Caerphilly Interchange Stand 7Caerphilly Library / The TwynCaesar CrescentCaldicot CrossCaldicot WoodsCaldy CloseCalum Macdonald CourtCambrian InnCampion CloseCanberra CrescentCandwr ParkCannon StreetCapel Ar Lan Y MorCapel HotelCarbonne CloseCardiff ArmsCardiff Bus Interchange Bay 14Cardiff Bus Interchange Bay 7Cardiff RoadCardiff Road Post OfficeCardiff Royal Infirmary 2Cardiff Royal Infirmary 4Cardiff Royal Infirmary 5Carisbrooke RoadCarlton StreetCarnegie ClinicCarnforth RoadCar ParkCarpenters ArmsCar SalesCastle AvenueCastle CottagesCastle Court BandstandCastle EntranceCastlegate Business ParkCastle Inn BridgeCastle IvorCastle LodgeCastlemill StreetCastle Park CloseCastle Rising RoadCastle RoadCastle StreetCastleton CemeteryCastleton RiseCastle TurnCastle WayCaswell WayCatchmays CourtCathays High SchoolCatherine Street E1Cathole LaneCat`S Ash RoadCats Bottom CottagesCauseway HotelCaxton HillCayo CottageCedar WayCefn MablyCeltic Manor & IccCeltic SpringsCemetery GatesCemetery LodgeCentral AvenueChaddesden Lane EndChaffinch WayChancery LaneChannel ViewChannel View CourtCharles Ii (Stop Rp10)Chartist BridgeChartist DriveChatsworth RoadChaucer RoadCheadle Hulme High SchoolCheadle Hulme StationCheadle & Marple CollegeCheadle Old RoadCheadle RoadChecksChedlee DriveChepstow Bus Station Stand 1Chepstow Bus Station Stand 4Chepstow Community HospChepstow Comprehensive SchoolChepstow Racecourse StandCherry Tree Nursing HomeCherry WoodCherwell WalkChesterton LaneChevin AvenueCheviot AvenueCheviot CloseChideock BridgeChilcombe LaneChoseley RoadChristadelphian HallChristchurch CemeteryChristchurch Road EastChristchurch Road MiddleChristchurch Road Post OfficeChurchChurch FarmChurch InnChurchlandsChurch LaneChurch Of Jesus ChristChurch PlainChurch RoadChwarel CourtCinderhillCity Hospital (Stop Sh48)City Hospital (Stop Sh53)City LinkCivic Centre Top Car ParkClaremontClaremont CrescentClarence HotelClarence PlaceClare RoadClearwell CourtCleddau Bridge TollsCleppa ParkClevedon RoadClevedon Road MiddleClifton HouseClincClock TowerClos EnfysClyngwyn RoadClytha Park RoadCoach And HorsesCoach & HorsesCoach HouseCoaly LaneCoed CelynenCoed Duon ViewCoed Ithel FarmCoed Melyn ParkCoed Y BrainCogan Leisure CentreColchester Avenue BottomColeg GwentColeridge RoadColinton Road (Stop H)Collard CloseCollegeCollege DriveCollege GladeCollege GreenCollege GroundsCollege Road RkCollege Street BottomCollier LaneCollingwood CloseComfrey CloseCommercial Hotel (Stop A)Commercial Hotel (Stop B)Commercial Road TopCommon TripCommonwealth LinkCommunity CentreComoninCongregational ChurchConstable DriveConway DriveConway RoadCoombe LaneCo-OpCoppice Path (Stop Ag)Coppice Path (Stop K)Coppice Primary School (Stop Af)Coppice Primary School (Stop L)Corbett RoadCornerswell RoadCornish WayCornwall CourtCornwall RoadCoronation VillasCorporation HotelCost CuttersCote CornerCottageCouncillor LaneCouncil OfficesCountry Bus Station (Stand 6)County GroundCourt FarmCourtlands CrossCouston DriveCouston HouseCoventry Road (Stop Vh)Coverack RoadCowleazeCowlishaw LaneCowper CloseCrackwellCrandon BridgeCrane Street LoopCrematoriumCrescent RoadCrick HouseCrizeleyCroes Llywarch LaneCroesonen CottagesCroesonen CrescentCroesyceiliog SchoolCroftdale RoadCroft FarmCroft RoadCroft Y CloiCrompton Health CentreCross CottagesCross KeysCross Keys InnCrosskeys StationCross RoadCrossroadsCrosswaysCrown InnCrown RiseCuckoo`S RowCulver CloseCurlew WayCurwoodCurzon DriveCustomhouse Street JgCwmbran Bus Station Stand ACwmbran Bus Station Stand BCwmbran Bus Station Stand ECwmbran Bus Station Stand FCwmbran Bus Station Stand HCwmbran Comprehensive SchoolCwmbran Rail StationCwmbran Ta CentreCwmcarvon TurnCwmfelinfach Community ChurchCwmgelli VillasCwm LaneCwmparc TerminusCwm Rhondda HospitalCwm-Y-Wiwer FarmCwrt Gwen JohnCwrt Rawlin InnCwrt Rawlin SchoolCypress TerraceDaffodil CourtDairy FarmDale RoadDale Road ShopsDalgety Church YardDalgety House ViewDane Street (Stop K)Darran RoadDarts FarmDarwin DriveDavy CloseDawson CloseDay NurseryDeans LaneDean StreetDeas RoadDe Barri StreetDelgate LaneDelius CloseDenbury AvenueDents HillDenver RoadDerby Road Briar GateDerker Metrolink (Stop A)Derker Metrolink (Stop B)Derker Metrolink (Stop C)Derker Metrolink (Stop D)Derwent DriveDerwenthaughDerwent StreetDevizes RoadDevon Place
Dickens DriveDinas RoadDinas Road RoundaboutDingestow TurnDinhamDocks Way MiddleDoctors SurgeryDolgerddonDolphin StreetDol Yr Eos FootbridgeDonegal WalkDood'S LaneDorset County Hospital (Stop A)Dorset County Hospital (Stop B)Dos RoadDrake'S AvenueDranllwyn LaneDrinkwater CloseDrinkwater RiseDrinkwater ViewDuffryn DriveDumfries Place HcDumfries Place HxDunraven HotelDunraven TerraceDunvegan Drive (Stop Rp12)Durham RoadDurham StreetDyffryn Business ParkEagle RoadEardley Road (Stop Bw08)Eardley Road (Stop Bw15)East Access Ridge WayEast BridgeEastfield CloseEastfield ViewEastgateEastgate CrescentEast Grove RoadEast Lynne GardensEast ViewEaton Grange DriveEbenezerEbenezer TerraceEbury Road (Stop Sh42)Ebury Road (Stop Sh60)Eden RoadEdern Close (Stop Tv27)Edern Close (Stop Tv42)Edgar Row CloseEdgeley RoadEdinburgh PlantationEdward German CrescentEdwardsvilleEdward Vii CrescentEdwin StreetEgerton StreetElaine CrescentEleanor Hudson HouseElfed AvenueElgar CircleElgar CloseEllingdon RoadElm AvenueElm Drive MiddleElm Drive TopElm StreetEmery RoadEmlyn StreetEmpire AvenueEngine RowEnglands CloseEnterprise CentreEppynt CloseEschol CloseEsisEssex StreetEuclid AvenueEvangelical ChurchEve`S Well CourtEveswell SchoolExe RoadExeter CrossExeter StreetExmouth RoadExton VillageFairfax RoadFairoak GroveFairoak LaneFairwayFakenham RoadFarmers ArmsFarmwood CloseFellside Road - Axwell ViewFellside Road-Runnymede RoadFengateFensideFernhill HotelFernlea MiddleFern RiseFestival Crescent NorthFestival Crescent SouthFfos-Y-FranFfrwd TerraceFielding WorksFields Nursing HomeFields Park CrescentFirbank AvenueFirbank CrescentFirch LaneFire StationFirfield AvenueFish & Chip ShopFisher RoadFitzalan PlaceFitzroy CloseFlaxton Way (Stop Tv14)Fleming WayFlint CottageFlower GardensFlowers HillFootball GroundFoot BridgeFord FarmForesters ArmsForest Gates (Stop Fo07)Forest Gates (Stop Fo15)Forest Road (Stop Fo08)Forge CloseForgeside CemeteryForsythia CloseForth ReachFort ViewFoundry HousesFox & HoundFranklin BarnesFraser AvenueFrederick StreetFreemansFremantle Road (Stop J)Friars LaneFriars Walk 10 (Bay 10)Friars Walk 11 (Bay 11)Friars Walk 12 (Bay 12)Friars Walk 13 (Bay 13)Friars Walk 14 (Bay 14)Friars Walk 15 (Bay 15)Friars Walk 1 (Bay 1)Friars Walk 2 (Bay 2)Friars Walk 3 (Bay 3)Friars Walk 4 (Bay 4)Friars Walk 5 (Bay 5)Friars Walk 6 (Bay 6)Friars Walk 7 (Bay 7)Friars Walk 8 (Bay 8)Friars Walk 9 (Bay 9)Friendly FoxFrome WalkFrosts CornerFullwell Cross (Stop A)Fullwell Cross (Stop D)Fullwood Primary School (Stop Ca)Gabalfa Interchange Stand 4Gabalfa Interchange Stand 6Gaer Christian CentreGaer Community CentreGaer Park RoadGaer Park ShopsGaer ShopsGainsborough RoadGainsford Crescent (Stop Bw06)Gainsford Crescent (Stop Bw17)Gala Bingo (Stop Bw09)Gala Bingo (Stop Bw14)Gantshill Crescent (Stop Cr)Gants Hill Station / Cranbrook Road (Stop Ch)Gants Hill Station / Cranbrook Road (Stop Cn)Gants Hill Station (Stop Ce)Gants Hill Station (Stop Cp)GaragesGarden CentreGaribaldi BridgeGarrick TheatreGarth CottageGarth RoadGarven Place Alighting OnlyGear Baptist ChurchGelli AvenueGelligaled InnGelli-Groes MillGelli HotelGelynos AvenueGeorges CloseGibbs Road TopGiffithstown Rly MuseumGilfach Workingmen'S ClubGilpin MewsGilpin RoadGladstone StreetGladstone TerraceGlandwr HotelGlanmor CrescentGlantaff GardensGlanwern GroveGlan-Y-Nant GardensGlasllwch CrescentGlasshouse LaneGlendale DriveGlenholmeGlen HotelGlensford Gardens (Stop Rp14)Glen TrothyGlen ViewGlobeGloster RoadGlosters` ParadeGloucester RoadGlyn ChapelGlynstell CloseGlyntaff CampusGlyn TerraceGoldcliff HouseGoldcroft CommonGolden Grove SchoolGolden Mile ViewGolf ClubGoodmayes Lane (Stop G)Goodmayes Lane (Stop H)Goodmayes Primary School (Stop L)Goodmayes Primary School (Stop M)Goose PoolGordon Road (Stop Q)Gorse Hill NorthGorse Hill SouthGrafton RoadGraig CloseGraig Park AvenueGraig ViewGrammar School RoadGrampian RoadGranby RoadGrand Central (Stop Rr)Grand Central (Stop Ww)Grange RoadGranville AvenueGrapesGray Hill SurgeryGrays TerraceGreat GoytreGreat Western CottagesGreenGreen FarmGreenfield Rd Harden Moss RdGreenfield Rd Magdelen RoadGreenfield Rd Newlands LnGreenfield Rd Wessenden Head RoadGreenfield RoadGreenfield Road Black GateGreenfield Road Bradshaw QuarriesGreenfield Road Harden Moss RdGreenfield Road Hart HolesGreenfield Road Wessenden HeadGreenfield Road Wessenden Head MoorGreenfield Road Wheels Brook FarmGreenfield StationGreenfield Station (Stop B)Greenfield Station (Stop D)Greenfield Station (Stop G)Green GardensGreenhill Road MiddleGreenhouseGreen LaneGreen Man PhGreenmeadow CloseGreen Side (Stop J)Greenway (Stop K)Greenway (Stop Q)Grendon RoadGreyfriars Road GgGreyfriars Road GhGreyfriars Road Stop GnGriffin HotelGriffithstown Fire StationGroes Wen InnGrosmont RoadGrosmont TurnGroundwell WestGrove ParkGrove Park EastGrove Park WestGrove RoadGroves RoadGrwney PlaceGullifordGulliford FarmGwendoline StreetGwerthonor PlaceGypsy LaneHackness RoadHadham ParkHafod RoadHafod-Y-BrynHainault Fire Station (Stop F)Hainault Fire Station (Stop R)Hainault (Stop T)Hainault (Stop U)Hainault Street (Stop T)Hainault Street (Stop W)Haisbro` AvenueHalfway GarageHall FarmHall InnHalo FoodsHalsdown HouseHalstead StreetHamburg WayHamilton Avenue (Stop Cb)Hamilton RoadHamlandsHanbury ArmsHanbury Square (Stop A)HandpostHangmans StoneHanover HotelHarden Hill FarmHare & HoundsHargreaves DriveHarlech Retail ParkHarlequin DriveHarrington AvenueHarrington StreetHarvesterHatton LaneHavelock StreetHaven On The HillHaverhill Crescent (Stop Rp15)Hawkins CrescentHawkins CresentHawkshead RoadHawthorn CloseHawthorn InnHayes GateHay WainHaywood TurnHazel RoadHealth CentreHeathfield Road (Stop Sh49)Heathfield Road (Stop Sh52)Helmshore WayHendrewen HotelHengoed ViaductHenllys WayHenry Morgan CloseHeol-Y-BerthHerbert AvenueHereford StreetHeroHeron FoodsHertford Regional College (Stop A)Hertford Regional College (Stop C)Hexham Road - Broadmeadows CloseHibernianHicks GateHigginshaw RoadHigh Barn RoadHighcroftHighcroft Road TopHigh Cross LaneHigh Cross SchoolHighfield CourtHighfield RoadHighfield WayHighgate SchoolHigh Road Ilford (Stop M)High SchoolHigh StreetHilla RoadHillcrestHillside CottagesHillside LaneHills RoadHill Top RoadHilton RdHm Passport OfficeHodgeston SquareHoliday Inn ExpressHollybushHolly Road FlatsHolm Bush Car ParkHolmfirth LibraryHome Farm GreenHoneyborough GreenHoneyborough RoundaboutHoneywell`SHorrocks CloseHorsefairHove AvenueHuddersfield RoadHudnalls ViewHugh Sexey SchoolHunters Lodge InnHuntingdon Street (Stop Fo09)Huntingdon Street (Stop Fo12)Icknield Drive (Stop Cc)Ifton QuarryIlford Station (Stop H)Ilford Station (Stop K)Infants SchoolInfirmaryInfocusIngoldsby AvenueInstituteInterchange (Stop E)Ipswich RoadIsca CollegeJaponica CloseJeddo CloseJennings CloseJerusalem Lane NorthJerusalem Lane SouthJohn Baker CloseJohn Bull CloseJohnston FarmJolly SailorsJolly Waggoners PhJoyce CloseJubilee ClubKeats CloseKemys StreetKennard CrescentKent Close PathKent HouseKestrel CloseKestrel WayKettlewell LaneKeynsham CemeteryKeynsham Church (Stop A)Kidwelly RoadKilcrow HillKiln ParkKilpeck TurnKimberley Nursery SchoolKimberly ParkKing Albert StreetKing David TyresKing Edward Vii SchoolKingfisher PlaceKing Henry V DriveKing Henry Viii SchoolKingsmark LaneKing'S RoadKings Statue (Stop K6)Kingston Russell TurnKingsway CentreKingsway GrKing William IvKipling RoadKnight'S HillKnight StreetKnowle InnKwikfitLade BraesLadyhillLadyhill CentreLakesideLakeside DriveLakeside SurgeryLamb CloseLamb InnLamb LaneLambourne CrescentLambourne RoadLambourne WalkLamphey ChurchLancaster ArmsLangley RoadLangmoor Gardens TempLangstone Business ParkLansbury Park EntranceLapwing AvenueLarch GroveLarkfield GarageLauras Cheadle HulmeLaurel CrescentLavender RoadLaw Courts RjLawrence HillLaws StreetLeechpool HouseLee LaneLee WayLegh Street (Stop Ae)Leonard Avenue (Stop Sh45)Leonard Avenue (Stop Sh57)Lewis SchoolLewis TerraceLibraryLidlLidl Perrot'S RoadLighthouse CloseLighthouse ParkLilleshall StreetLime GroveLime Kiln LaneLincoln SquareLindsay AvenueLinton PlaceLions` LodgeLiphill FarmLiscombe StreetLiswerry DriveLiswerry High SchoolLiswerry Post OfficeLitchfield TerraceLittle GoytreLittle LaneLivale RoadLivery DoleLivox FarmLivox QuarryLlanarth StreetLlanbadoc Parish HallLlanbedr HallLlanbradach War MemorialLlandevaud CourtLlandough HillLlaneirwg WayLlangua TerraceLlanion RoundaboutLlanmartin Primary SchoolLlanrumney AvenueLlansoar FarmLlantarnam GrangeLlantarnum Abbey GatesLlanyrafon Methodist ChurchLlanyravon Boating LakeLlanyravon SquareLlanyravon WayLlewellyn GroveLloyds Banking GroupLlwyn-Bach TerraceLlwyncelyn HotelLlwynderi RoadLlwynypia AsdaLlwynypia Post OfficeLlys GwyrddL&Nwr BridgeLock'S GarageLodden CloseLodge Hill Primary SchoolLodge LaneLodmoor HillLondon BridgeLondon Inn
Long Bredy HutLongcroft RoadLongfellow CourtLonglands LaneLongmeadow CourtLong RushesLongstone FarmLordship FarmLord Street (Stop Pp)Loup HouseLoushers LaneLower Churchill Way HgLower Common ParkLower Graig-Y-RhaccaLower MachenLower Park RoadLower RoadLowlands RoadLumb Brook BridgeLumsdaine DriveLyceum TavernLymm ChurchLymm High SchoolLyndhurst AvenueLyndhurst GroveLynford Gardens (Stop S)LyntonLyon'S LaneLysaght InstituteLysaght WayM6 BridgeMachen Primary SchoolMachen War MemorialMaerdy FarmMaesderwenMaes-Glas ShopsMaes GwynMagistrates CourtMagor BreweryMain Car ParkMaindee LibraryMaindee Primary SchoolMaindee SquareMaindy StadiumMainsail YardMallards GreenMalpas Court Primary SchoolMalpas Park Primary SchoolMalthouseManford Cross (Stop Ae)Manford Way Hainault (Stop Ah)Man Of GwentManorbier HouseManor ParkManor RoadManor StreetManor Way BottomManor Way MiddleManor Way TopMansell SquareManse PlaceManse RoadManstone MeadMaple AvenueMaple DriveMaple RoadMardy Post OfficeMarine CampMariners CourtMariners GreenMarketMarket HouseMarket SquareMarket Square 15A (Bay 15A)Market Square 16 (Bay 16)Market Square 18 (Bay 18)Market Square 20 (Bay 20)Market Square 21 (Bay 21)Market Square 22 (Bay 22)Markfield RoadMark First SchoolMarkham TerraceMarlborough RoadMarshfield Primary SchoolMarshfield StoresMarshfield StreetMarsh LaneMarsh RoadMarston CourtMartin'S FarmMartley Drive (Stop Cd)Mary StreetMasefield ValeMasons ArmsMassey Brook LaneMathern RoadMaunsell WayMaxwell StreetMay CloseMayfield Road Becontree (Stop S)Mayhill HotelMcdonald`SMeadow CrescentMeadowfieldMeadow RoadMeath AvenueMedart PlaceMedhopeMedical CentreMelbourne WayMelbourne Way JunctionMelfort GardensMeliden RoadMelville StreetMendalgief Retail ParkMendip CloseMerchant AvenueMerchant CourtMerchant'S HillMerlin CrescentMerlin'S Bridge Boxing ClubMerryhall BarnMethodist ChurchMiddle LodgeMillbrook CourtMill CloseMill House TurnMill LaneMill RoadMilne StreetMilton Primary SchoolMiskin HotelMitchell CloseMoat HouseMonkton ParkMonmouth Bus Station Stand 2Monmouth ClinicMonmouth Comprehensive SchoolMonmouth RoadMonnow Way Petrol StationMontgomery RoadMoorfield FarmMoorland AvenueMoorland ViewMoor LaneMoor StreetMoray Way North RoundaboutMorgraig AvenueMoriah Baptist ChurchMorledge (Stop C8)Morrell Bank (Stop Bw11)Morrell Bank (Stop Bw12)MorrisonsMorrisons (Stop N5)Morton WayMoss CottageMoss CottagesMosswood HallMountain ViewMountford CloseMounton Brook LodgeMount Pleasant AvenueMount Pleasant Primary SchoolMount RoadMoxon RoadMulcaster AvenueMullberry Tree PubMunnings DriveNags Head PhNant Coch DriveNantgwyn FarmNash Constitutional ClubNash DriveNational ClubNature ReserveNatwest BankNedern BridgeNeville ParkNeville Road (Stop Q)Neville Road (Stop X)Newbridge HotelNewbridge SchoolNew InnNewlands AvenueNewlands Holiday ParkNewlands RoadNewland TurnNew LaneNew North Road Fullwell Cross (Stop R)New North Road Fullwell Cross (Stop W)New PasturesNewport Business CentreNewport CastleNewport CenotaphNewport Central Police StationNewport East Community CentreNewport High SchoolNewport ParkNewport Retail ParkNewport Transport Bus DepotNew RoadNew Road GarageNew RoundaboutNew StreetNidd CloseNightingale CourtNine Mile Point Industrial EstateNoel AvenueNorfolk RoadNorthbrook Road (Stop Vc)Northbrook Road (Stop Vm)Northfield LaneNorthgate RoadNorth LodgeNorth Road ClinicNorth Road ShopsNorth StreetNorth Street Car ParkNorth Street (Stop N25)Northumberland RoadNottingham Road Bradbury CloseNottingham Road CemeteryNtu City Campus (Stop G3)Nursery LaneNutfield Gardens (Stop T)Oakfield RoadOakfieldsOakfield StreetOakgrove LodgeOak StreetOak Street (Stand A)Oddfellows ArmsOfferton RoadOld Barn RoadOld Beer RoadOld CemeteryOld Cwmbran War MemorialOld Ebford LaneOld Farm Road (Stop Tv07)Old Farm Road (Stop Tv33)Old ForgeOldham Bus Station (Stand E)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop A)Oldham Mumps Interchange (Stop D)Old HospitalOld Lyme HillOld MarketOld Market GardenOld Police StationOld Portskewett Post OfficeOld Post OfficeOld RoadOld SchoolOld School HouseOld StationOld Swan InnOpp Spar (Stop B)Orb & SpectreOrchard HouseOrion Business ParkOsier Carr LaybyOstrich HouseOxcars DrivePadstow Road (Stop Bw10)Padstow Road (Stop Bw13)PaintworksPanasonicPandy InnPandy Post OfficePanteg CemeteryPanteg HospitalPanteg HousePanteg SteelworksPantymilah KennelsParade (Stop B)Parc AvenueParc CrescentParc & DareParc HotelParc Lewis SchoolParc PantegParc SeymourPares WayParish ChurchPark DrivePark EndParkfield PlacePark Head LaneParkhead TerminusPark HouseParklands CrescentPark PlacePark RoadPark Road Ilford (Stop P)Park StreetParkview Academy (Stop Tv32)Parkview Academy (Stop Tv35)Park View GardensParkwall RoundaboutParret RoadPartridge SquarePartridge WayPavilionPayne`S ShopPeacehaven AllotmentsPeacehaven CourtPeacock`S WarehousePeasland RoadPelham Road (Stop Sh41)Pelham Road (Stop Sh61)Pembroke CastlePembroke Dock Police StationPembroke Dock Railway StationPembroke Railway StationPembroke SchoolPenally Court FarmPenally HeightsPenarth CemeteryPenarth Health CentrePenarth LibraryPenarth Police StationPenarth RfcPenarth Road Trading EstatePenarth StationPenarth Town Centre 1Penarth Town Centre 2Pencarreg HousePencelli HotelPencoed LanePenishaplwyddPenkin Hill SouthPenmaes RoadPennar ClosePennar Fire StationPenny CrescentPensarn WayPentland RisePentre InnPentwyn TerracePenylan JunctionPenylan RoadPen-Y-Lan RoadPenypound ChurchPenyrenglyn SchoolPerry Road (Stop Sh46)Perry Road (Stop Sh56)Perrys LanePerth StreetPerthy ClosePetrol StationPeverell Avenue WestPeveril AvenuePeverill Avenue EastPheasant Field DrivePiercefieldPiercefield PlacePillgwenlly Police StationPilton ValePilton Vale BungalowsPilton Vale MiddlePine GrovePine Hill Close (Stop Rp09)Pine Tree RoadPingate LanePinkhouse CornerPioneer Point (Stop Pp)Pioneer TerracePlantation DrivePlassey StreetPlayford CrescentPlaza CourtPochin CrescentPochin HousesPolice HousePolice HousesPoliceman'S BankPondPont-GamPonthir House InnPontnewydd War MemorialPontnewydd Workingmen`S ClubPont RhonddaPont SorPontygwindy Industrial EstatePontymister CrossingPontypool Railway StationPontypridd Bus Station Stand 7Pontypridd Bus Station Stand 9Pontypridd Road (Stop N6)Pont-Y-Waun BridgePool Head CottagePope Hill VillaPoplar AvenuePoplar RoadPoplars RoadPorth Community SchoolPorth Comprehensive SchoolPorth Interchange Bay 3Porth Interchange Bay 4Porton RoadPost BoxPost OfficePotter Street (Stop H)PotteryPound HillPowderham DrivePresbyterian ChurchPreston Toll BarPriest RoadPrimarkPrimary SchoolPrimley RoadPrimrose CourtPrimrose WayPrince Of WalesPrince Regent HotelPrincess Louise RoadPrince StreetPriors WalkPriorway AvenuePriorway Avenue ShopsPriorway GardensPriory EndPromenade D`OrvaultProspect PlaceProspect StreetPublic HallPumping StationPye Corner FarmPye Corner JunctionPye Corner StationQuantock CloseQuarryQuebec CloseQueen Mother SquareQueens AvenueQueensfieldQueen`S GardensQueen`S HotelQueenswayQueensway Q1 (Stand Q1)Queensway Q5 (Stand Q5)Queensway Q6 (Stand Q6)Queensway Q8 (Stand Q8)Quillings WayRaglan Barrack GatesRail StationRailway HotelRailway StationRailway Station South E5Railway Station (Stand C)Railway TerraceRannoch RoadRayneswayRaynham StreetR D & E HospitalRecreation GroundRectoryRectory RoadRedbridge Central Library (Stop Q)Redbridge Central Library (Stop R)Redbrook AvenueRedbrook HouseRedbrook RoadRedcliffe Road (Stop Fo06)Redcliffe Road (Stop Fo31)Red CowReddings FarmRedgate HillRed House FarmRed LaneRedwood CloseReen BridgeRegent Circus (Stop D)Regiment GateReginald Road SouthRemembrance AveRenoir RoadRetail ParkRevelstoke Way (Stop Rp16)Rhayader CemeteryRhayader Central Car ParkRhiwderin Community CentreRhiwderin InnRibble WalkRichmond AvenueRichmond RoadRidge WayRidgeway Community CentreRidgeway HospitalRidge Way (Stop Tv28)Ridge Way (Stop Tv41)Ringland CentreRingland Labour ClubRingland WayRingwood PlaceRisca War MemorialRise CottagesRise Park Road East (Stop Rp08)Rise Park Road West (Stop Rp07)Rising SunRivermead AvenueRivermead CentreRivermead WayRiversideRiverside AvenueRoadside StoreRoberts CloseRobertson WayRockfield GroveRock & Fountain InnRock VillasRogerstone LibraryRogerstone Pentecostal ChurchRogerstone VicarageRogiet PoolRolls WalkRoman ReachRoman Way ShopsRonald RoadRosebery AvenueRosebery ViewRose & CrownRosemountRoseneath Avenue (Stop Rp13)RoundaboutRoyal George HotelRoyal Gwent HospitalRoyal HotelRoyal OakRoyal Oak DriveRoyal Square (Stop B)Roydon RoadRugby ClubRumney High SchoolRuperra ArmsRuskin AvenueRussell CloseRussell Drive FootbridgeRussell Drive ShopsRuth RoadRylaneSaddlers ArmsSainsbury'SSainsbury'S Car ParkSalisbury TerraceSancroft RoadSandpiper WaySandybankSandy LaneSandy Lane FarmSardis House D3Saw MillsSaxon Field
Scholes StreetSchoolScotland Head-BirchgateScotland Head-Park LaneScotland Head-Stephenson WayScotland Head-St Pauls ChurchSeabrook AvenueSea FrontSeashell TrustSea VistaSeven Kings Road (Stop B)Seven Kings Road (Stop C)Sevenoaks ParkSevern CloseSexeys Arms InnSexeys CottageShacklecross CloseShaw RoadShaw Town Centre (Stop C)Shaw Town Centre (Stop D)Shell GarageShelterShere Road (Stop Cq)Shibdon Bank-Hazel RoadShibdon Bank-Lime StreetShibdon Road-Shibdon BankShipShip KnappShipton Gorge TurnShowcase CinemaSilverlands CloseSilver StreetSir Charles CrescentSitwell StreetSix BellsSkirrid InnSkrinkle EstateSloop InnSloper RoadSmallbrook RoadSnatchwood Road BottomSnatchwood TerraceSnowdon CloseSomerset ArmsSomerset RoadSorrel DriveSouthbrook RoadSouthgate CentreSouth Gate SquareSouth Park Drive (Stop A)South Park Drive (Stop D)South Station (Stop A)South StreetSparSpa Well RoadSpindle BridgeSports CentreSprakes CornerSpring GardensSpring LaneSpringsSpring Vale WaySpringwell Medical CentreSpytty LaneSpytty Park FootbridgeSpytty Tesco FootbridgeSquareStacey Avenue (Stop Tv09)Stacey Avenue (Stop Tv15)Stacey RoadStafford Road TopStaggart Green (Stop G)Staggart Green (Stop Q)Stag InnSt Alban`SStampstone StreetSt Andrews ChurchSt Andrew`S Primary SchoolStanford RoadStanley DriveSt Anne'S CrescentSt Ann'S RoadStanny Lunt BridgeStanwell RdStanwell SchoolStar LaneStar RowStar VillasStationStation CafeStation RoadStation Road (Stop A)Station Road (Stop B)Station Road (Stop C)St Augustine'S ChurchSt Basil`S CrescentSt Basil & St Gwiadys ChurchSt Cadoc`S ChurchSt Cadoc`S HospitalSt Cadoc'S Hospital Entrance 2St Columba'S ChurchSt David'S Business ParkSteeplechase RoadSteepleton ManorSteer CrescentStelvio Park AvenueStepsSterndale Bennett RoadSt Garmon RdSt George & Dragon HotelSt Georges CresentSt Harmon ChurchSt Illtyd`S High SchoolSt James` ChurchSt James' CourtSt James Medical PracticeSt James` PlaceSt James' WaySt John Baptist ChurchSt John`S ChurchSt Johns CrescentSt John'S CrescentSt John'S HallSt Johns PrimarySt John The Baptist ChurchSt Josephs ConventSt Joseph`S HospitalSt Joseph`S Rc High SchoolSt Julians Baptist ChurchSt Julians HotelSt Julians Primary SchoolSt Julian'S SchoolSt Kingsmark AvenueSt Lesmo RoadSt Luke'S AvenueSt Lukes CampusSt Luke'S RoadSt Luke'S SurgerySt Madoc`S ChurchSt Margaret'S ChurchSt Margaret'S Railway Station (Stop A)St Margaret'S Railway Station (Stop B)St Margaret'S RoadSt Martin`S ChurchSt Martin'S StreetSt Marys ChurchSt Mary`S ChurchSt Mary`S ParkSt Mary StreetSt Mary'S WaySt Mary'S Way (Stop Yc)St Matthew`S RoadSt Mellons Country ClubSt Michaels ChurchSt. Michaels ChurchSt Michael`S ChurchSt Nicholas` ChurchStockport College (Stop Af)Stockport College (Stop Uu)Stockport Interchange (Stand S)StonecrestStowe RoadStow Park AvenueStow Park Church CentreSt Patrick`S Rc ChurchSt Peter'S & St Paul'S ChurchSt Pierre LodgesStratford HouseStratton CrossroadsSt Stephen`S ChurchSt Teilo'S ChurchSt Teilo`S ChurchSt Thomas' ChurchSt Thomas` ChurchStuart StreetStud FarmSt Woolos CathedralSt Woolo`S CemeterySt Woolos HospitalSummerhill AvenueSummerhill Nursing HomeSunderland AvenueSun InnSunny GroveSunny ViewSurgerySwallow WaySwalwell Bank-Clavering RoadSwann LaneSwitchgearSycamore RoadSymondsbury Business ParkTabernacleTadia WayTalbot ArmsTal Y FanTamar CloseTan-Y-BrynTappers GarageTaunton CrescentTawelfrynTeesdale Road (Stop Sh44)Teesdale Road (Stop Sh58)Telephone ExchangeTemple Meads StnTenby Leisure CentreTen ElmsTerminusTescoTesco Distribution CentreTesco Extra Car ParkTesco (Stop 12)Tesco StoreTeviot Road (Stop Bw07)Teviot Road (Stop Bw16)ThaxtersThe Ark RoyalThe AvenueThe BakeryThe Beech TreeThe Blaina WharfThe Bound HouseThe BridgesThe BullThe ButtlandsThe Causeway (Stop N)The CedarsThe Coopers ArmsThe CrescentThe Crown PhThe DarranThe DingleThe DragonflyThe Drove HouseThe Famous Old SpaThe Florence HotelThe GablesThe GateThe George InnThe GlynThe Grange University HospitalThe GreenThe Green LadyThe GriffinThe GroeThe GroveThe GwerthonorThe HandpostThe Huntsman PhThe InchesThe Ivor ArmsThe John Frost School (Stand 1)The KenilworthThe Link CentreThe Lower New InnThelwall BridgeThe MallThe MaltingsThe MemoThe MountThe NelsonThe Orange TreeThe PiccadillyThe PlazaThe PloughThe PyramidsThe Red LionThe Retreat DriveThe RidgewayThe RidingsThe RiseThe RockThe Ship InnThe ShiresThe SmithyThe Solar StrandThe SquareThe StarThe Three MughalsThe VillasThe White Horse InnThe WillowsThistle CourtThompson AvenueThornbury Park ShopsThornfield GroveThornfield RoadThorntree GreenThornwell Primary SchoolThree HorseshoesThree Horseshoes InnThree SalmonsThynne StreetTintern AbbeyTippett CloseTir-Y-Berth Industrial EstTismeads Crescent NorthTismeads Crescent SouthToll BarToll HouseTomswood Hill (Stop K)Tomswood Hill (Stop P)Ton CottagesTon Pentre Railway StationTon-Y-Felin ChapelTonypandy Bus Station Stand A2Tonypandy Bus Station Stand A5Tonypandy War MemorialTon-Y-Pistyll RoadTop ClubTop O TownTop ShopsTop Valley Terminus (Stop Rp03)Totterdown BridgeTown CentreTown HallTown Hall (Stop 2)Town Hall Stop 3Town Hall (Stop Ad)Tramway RoadTransport Interchange (Stand A)Transport Interchange (Stand E)Travis PerkinsTravis Street (Stop B)Treberth CrescentTreberth GroveTredegar ArmsTredegar Bus StationTredegar ClockTredegar JunctionTredegar Lidl Stand 1Tredegar ParkTredegar Park Main GatesTredegar StreetTredgar Bus Station Stand 3 (Stand 3)TregrugTre HondduTrehopcyn SchoolTrelawney Road (Stop S)Trelawney Road (Stop V)TreloughTrent CollegeTrent RoadTrewenTriangle (Stop C)Triley FarmTriley MillTrinity Square (Stop A)Trinity Street (Stop C2)Troerchy Post OfficeTrosnant StreetTrostreyTrow FarmTrussel RoadTudor CourtTudor HouseTudor Street LaneTump FarmTunstall Avenue (Stop P)Turf LaneTurnTurning CircleTwining Brook RoadTwm Barlwm ViewTwo Locks Nursery SchoolTwo Locks RoadTwyn LaneTy-DelwynTy DrawTydu ViewTy Mawr RoadTyne StreetTynewydd BridgeTynewydd HotelTy PorthTy Pwca RoadTy Yn Y PwllUnderwood ShopsUnion StreetUplandsUpper Cwmbran Playing FieldUpper Park Road (Stop 1)Upperthong SchoolUpper Waun StreetUsk CourtUsk Garden CentreUsk Vale DriveVaindre LaneValence Avenue (Stop L)Valence Avenue (Stop P)Valentines Park (Stop Vb)Valentines Park (Stop Vp)Vale ViewValley RiseValley Road (Stop Sh47)Valley Road (Stop Sh55)Vancouver DriveVan Hage Garden CentreVarteg Hill TerminusVerder Grove (Stop Tv31)Verder Grove (Stop Tv36)ViaductVicarage FieldsVicarage St John`S CrescentVictoriaVictoria AvenueVictoria Centre (Stop J1)Victoria Centre (Stop T2)Victoria MillsVictoria StreetView Point Car ParkVillage HallVillage StoreVillage TavernVine InnVinney CrossWade LockWainbridge FarmWaitroseWalford DaviesWalmer RoadWalnut DriveWalnut Tree AvenueWalnut Tree CottageWalnut Tree Farm ParkWalnut Tree LaneWalnut Tree Road (Stop M)Walnut Tree Road (Stop N)Warham RoadWarren RoadWarren SladeWarren TurnWarrington Bank Quay StationWatchfield CornerWaterford DriveWater LaneWaterloo HotelWaterloo JunctionWaterloo RoadWater MeterWaterworks RoadWattsville GarageWaverley Gardens (Stop G)Waverley RoadWayfarers DriveWayzgoose DriveWebley Gardens FootpathWebtreeWelfare CentreWelfare HallWell CottageWellington RoadWellington Road (Stop F)Wells CloseWellspring TerraceWelsh Government OfficesWelsh OakWelsh StreetWentwood InnWentworth CloseWern Fawr LaneWerngifford Police StationWesley PlaceWest AvenueWest CloseWesterhallWestfield AvenueWestfield DriveWestfield RoadWestgate CourtWestgate Street KgWest GroveWest Grove 2West MeadWest Mon SchoolWest Park RoadWhalebone Lane South (Stop A)Whalebone Lane South (Stop B)Whalley LaneWharf RoadWheeler AvenueWhickham Bank-North ViewWhickham SchoolWhitebrook TurnWhite Hart DriveWhite Hart LaneWhite HorseWhite Horse InnWhite SwanWhiteway CrossWhittle CourtWilcae BridgeWillcae TerraceWilliam Brown CloseWilliam PorterWilliams PlaceWillowcroft RoadWilsthorpe IslandWindsor RoadWine StreetWingfield HotelWinifred RoadWinlaton Bus StationWinnal TurnWinslade RoadWinston Way Primary School (Stop Z)Winterbourne Valley SchoolWithy WalkWitla CourtWoodborough Road (Stop Fo10)Woodborough Road (Stop Fo11)Woodbury LaneWood FarmWoodland DriveWoodland RoadWoodlandsWoodlands AvenueWoodland ViewWood RoadWoodroffe SchoolWoodside GarageWoodville RoadWoodville TerraceWoolavington HillWoolavinton HillWordsworth RoadWorkingmen'S ClubWorral StreetWrens NestWye LodgeWyeseal FarmWyesham TurnWyevale Garden CentreWye Valley HotelWyllie PathWyncliffe RoadWyndcliffWyndcliffe RoadWyndham HotelWynnstay CloseWyvern BarracksYardwall RoadYe Olde Red LionYe Olde Royal OakYmcaYnysddu Post OfficeYnyswen Railway StationYsgol Gyfun Gwent Is CoedYstrad ClinicYstrad Fawr HospitalYstrad Mynach Library (Stop B)Ystrad Post Office
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