164 Eastwood Road70 Heanor RoadA303 Slip RoadAbbey HouseAbbey LodgeAbbott RoadAbbotts RoadAbove Bar (Stop Ac)Abshot RoadAbshot SchoolAdams WayAdmirals WayAglaia RoadAirlie CornerAlan Drayton WayAlbert StreetAlderwood AvenueAldsworth AvenueAlexandra Park Road (Stop Cb)Alexandra RoadAlfreton Bus Station (Stand 3)Alfreton RoadAlinora AvenueAllaway AvenueAllbrook KnollAllotmentsAll Saints ChurchAll Saints' ChurchAll Saint'S ChurchAll Saints SchoolAlma Road (Stop K)Alma Road (Stop L)Altona GardensAlton House Hotel (Stop P)Alton House Hotel (Stop Q)Amber Business CentreAmblesideAmbrose WayAndalusian GardensAndeferas RoadAndover Golf ClubAnstey RoadAnthillAnton ArmsAnton CloseAppledown CloseApplegarth CloseArchers RoadAriadne RoadArrival SquareArthur RoadArundel RoadAsdaAsda HypermarketAsda & MarlandsAsda SuperstoreAshburton CloseAshdown DriveAshdown ShopsAshe CornerAshlawn GardensAshley CloseAshley CrescentAshley ManorAshley TurningAshton LaneAshurst DriveAthenaeum Road (Stop J)Auction RoomsAuctions RoomsAugusta PlaceAusten AvenueAvenue SubwayAvington TurnAxford HouseBaddesley BridgeBaddesley RoadBadgers CopseBadgerswood DriveBaigent CloseBakeland GardensBank StreetBarfield Park & RideBargate (Stop Cu)Bargate Westquay (Stop Bl)Baring CloseBaring RoadBarley Down DriveBarley Mow PhBarley Mow RoadBarnes CloseBarnes LaneBarnet Church (Stop K)Barnet Church Wood Street (Stop E)Barnet Everyman Cinema (Stop R)Barnet Hospital / Queens Road (Stop D)Barnfield WayBarters FarmBarton Peveril CollegeBarton Stacey TurnBassett CrescentBassett CrossroadsBassett Wood RoadBath LaneBath PlaceBattery HillBeach Arms HotelBeadon CrossBeaulieu AvenueBeaumont FarmBeauworth AvenueBedes LeaBeechcroftBeeches FarmBeech GroveBeech Hill GarageBeech RoadBells Of OuzeleyBengers LaneBentley GreenBereweeke RoadBerewood Primary SchoolBerrydown LaneBerrywood Business VillageBerrywood GardensBirch GreenBirch RoadBirchwood GardensBird FieldBirdwood GroveBishopsfield RoadBishops MeadBishopstoke LaneBishop'S Wood RoadBitterne Shops (Stop Bd)Blackbird CloseBlackbrook RoadBlendworth CrescentBluebell WayBluebell Way RbtBold ForesterBoorley ParkBorkum CloseBorman WayBorovere GardensBoscobel RoadBoston CollegeBosvilleBotleigh Grange HotelBotley DriveBotley Railway StationBotley RoadBottom Pond FarmBoundary RoadBourne Retail ParkBournville AvenueBowers Grove LaneBowling GreenBoys SchoolBradbeers Retail ParkBradshaw CloseBramdean DriveBramley WayBrancaster AvenueBranksome CloseBranson RoadBraxells RoadBrick Kiln Farm LaneBrickkiln LaneBricklayers Arms PhBrickmakers RoadBrickyard RoadBridgeBridge Link RoadBridge Over M3Bridge RoadBrintons RoadBrislands LaneBritannia RoadBroadgate CrossroadsBroadlands AvenueBroadlaw WalkBroadmere JunctionBroad StreetBroadway Guildhall (Stand 4)Broadway (Stand U)Broadway St Johns (Stand 8)Brockenhurst AvenueBrockwood TurnBrook CloseBrook CottagesBrooke CloseBrook LaneBrookside Road TopBrook StreetBroomfield CottagesBroomfield Hall CampusBroughton RoadBroughton Village HallBrown StreetBrune Medical CentreBrunswick GardensBrympton Riding StablesBuchan AvenueBuckingham AvenueBullar RoadBuller RoadBurley RoadBurnhams CloseBurns CloseBurnthouse RoadBurridge RoadBursledon StationBushfield RoundaboutBus ShelterBus StationBus Station (Stand A)Bus Station (Stand B)Bus Station (Stand C)Bus Station (Stand D)Bus Station (Stand E)Bus Station (Stand F)Bus Station (Stand G)Bus Station (Stop A)Bus Station (Stop B)Bus Station (Stop C)Bus Station (Stop D)Bus Station (Stop E)Bus Station (Stop F)Bus Station (Stop L)Bus Turning CircleButlinsButlins Main GateButser WalkButterwick RoadCaesar StreetCaigers GreenCalcot LaneCambridge GreenCambridge JunctionCamelot GardensCameron Close BrtCampion WayCanada WayCannon CloseCarlo'S Tea RoomsCarlton RoadCarrington FarmCar ShowroomCart And HorsesCastle RoadCathedral HotelCatherine StreetCatisfield RoadCatmint CloseCatsfield RoadCattle LaneCedar CloseCenotaph (Stop Ha)Cenotaph (Stop Hd)Centenary Building (Stop A)Centenary QuayCentral Station (Stop Sg)Chalet Hill ShopsChalkridge RoadChallis Court (Stop Qh)Chancellors LaneChandlers Ford PrecinctChandos Avenue (Stop K)Chapel LaneChapel PondCharity FarmCharles Dickens BirthplaceCharlesworth DriveCharlton LakesCharta RoadChase HospitalChatham GroveChatsworth RoadChawton RoundaboutCherry Tree PhCherwell GardensChesil Car ParkChesil LodgeChesil Mews HouseChestnut DriveChichester RoadChickenhall LaneChidden HoltChilland LaneChilworth RoundaboutChristchurch RoadChurchfieldsChurch FieldsChurch GreenChurchill AvenueChurch LaneChurch Of Latter Day SaintsChurch RoadChurch Road RoundaboutChurch Street (Stop N)CinemaCistern StreetCity Road (Stop Ra)City Road (Stop Rb)City Road (Stop Rc)City Road (Stop Rd)City Shops South (Stop E)Civic CentreCivic Centre (Stop Ai)Civic Centre (Stop An)Clarendon CrescentClayhall Lane RoundaboutClaylands RoadClearway GarageCleveland DriveClewers LaneCliffdale GardensClifton HillClinton RoadCoach And HorsesCoach HillCobbe CloseCobbett CloseCobbs FarmCodnor LaneCold East WayCole CloseColinton AvenueCollege Lay-ByCollege RoadColley CloseColtsfoot CloseColville DriveCommon LaneCommons EndCommunity CentreCommunity HospitalCommunity SchoolCompton Down LaneCompton StreetCondor RoundaboutConford Moor TurnConford ParkConservative ClubConstable Close (Stop Fs)Constantine AvenueCo-OpCooper'S Hill LaneCoppice HillCoram CloseCorhampton ParkCorhampton StoresCornerCornerstone Primary SchoolCornes CloseCoronation RoadCorporation Street (Stop C2)Cosham Interchange (Stop A)Cotes Park LaneCouch GreenCouncil HousesCouncil Offices (Stop Q)County ArmsCraigbank CourtCranbourne ParkCraven RoadCrawley CourtCreech ViewCrescent RoadCressy RoadCricket GreenCricklemedeCritchmere HillCromwell RoadCromwell ShopsCrookhorn CornerCrookhorn PrecinctCrossland DriveCross LaneCrossroadsCuckoo Bushes LaneCumber CloseCunningham RoadCupernham LaneCurdridge LaneCurlew GardensCurzon Howe RoadCuxhaven WayDaisy FieldsDando RoadDarvill RoadDeane Cottages LaneDeane Down DroveDean LaneDean Lane CornerDean RoadDell RoadDelme ArmsDenhams CornerDenmead GreenDe Port HeightsDerwent GardensDerwent StreetDevenish RoadDevon Court
Dimmicks CornerDinsdale Gardens (Stop Q)Dobbies Garden CentreDobholes LaneDoctors CornerDodwell LaneDove CloseDover RoadDown End RoadDown FarmDowns RoadDragon Street (Stop C)Dragon Street (Stop D)Drayman'S Way (Stop D)Drayton BridgeDrayton StreetDrummond Community CentreDumpers DroveDunbridge LaneDuncan RoadDunsells CloseDutton LaneEastacreEast AcreEaston LaneEast Stoke FarmEast Stratton FarmEast Stratton TurnEast StreetEco StationEddeys LaneEdgar RoadEdgebankEdgecombe CrescentEdinburgh RoadEgham ShopsElbe WayElderberry RoadElder CloseEldon CloseElland Road Park And RideEllesmere AvenueElliot RiseEllisfield Village SignElmhirst AvenueElm RoadElmsleigh Bus Station (Stop 8)Elmwood AvenueElmwood DriveEmbley Park LodgeEnham ArchErskine RoadEstella Road (Stand B)Ethelbert DriveExford AvenueFairdown CloseFairfax RoadFairfield AvenueFair LaneFairthorne ManorFairview AvenueFal GarageFantasy IslandFareham CemastFareham CollegeFareham Station (Stop Q)Fareham Station (Stop R)Farley CloseFarlington AvenueFarriers FieldFernhillFerringham WayField ViewFigsbury RingFir Copse RoadFire StationFirgrove RoadFirs Avenue (Stop Cj)Firs CloseFirs FarmFirs Road TopFirst Avenue (Stand K)Fishers PondFishers Pond GarageFishwicke RoadFivefields CloseFlamstead AvenueFlaxfield CourtFloral WayFlorida RoadFlowerdown BarracksFlowery Leys LaneFolly FarmFoord RoadFordington AvenueForest EndForest FarmForest GardensForest LaneForest RoadFort BrockhurstFort PurbrookFort RoadFoundry CourtFour WaysFox And HoundsFoxcotte CloseFox LaneFox StreetFreeman GardensFree StreetFrenchmans RoadFriary RoadFriern Barnet Road (Stop Fk)Friern Mount DriveFrog LaneFromond RoadFryern HillFryers CloseFullers ValeFuntley HillGalley Lane (Stop E)Ganger Farm LaneGarageGarbett RoadGarden CentreGardenia DriveGarfield RoadGarnet RoadGarstons TrackGascoigne LaneGeen MillGerald AvenueGerald RoadGiddy BridgeGlasspoolGlebe ParkGlebe RoadGlencoe RoadGlobal Technology CentreGlynde AvenueGodfrey Pink WayGolden LionGolfside CloseGoodlands ValeGordon AvenueGoring ChurchGoring FieldGoring StreetGorse DownGospel HallGraemar LaneGranadiers RoadGrandfield StreetGrange RoadGravel Hill DepotGravel LaneGrays CloseGrayshott HallGreat MeadGreen CloseGreenhill RoadGreen LaneGreenlees CloseGreen PasturesGreen Pond LaneGreenways CottageGregson Avenue BrtGreyfriars RoadGreyshott Avenue ShopsGrovelands RoadGrove RoadGroves CloseGunners LaneGunners ParkGurnays MeadHacks LaneHaig AvenueHailsham RoadHall Lands LaneHamilton WayHammer LaneHammond RoadHampden Road (Stop Ce)Hampton GroveHampton HillHampton LaneHarestock CornerHarestock RoadHarvest RoadHarveys FieldHaslemere Railway StationHaslemere Railway Station (Stop F)Hatchet InnHatley RoadHavant CollegeHazeley CottagesHazeley RoadHazel RoadHeadland DriveHeadley GreenHeadley RoadHeadon ViewHealth ClinicHeanor Road 91Heathfield RoadHeath RoadHeathrow Terminal 5 (Stop 8)Heaviside RoadHedge End SuperstoresHedge End Trade ParkHedge End Village Hall (Stop B)Henley GardensHenry Beaufort SchoolHerbert RoadHigh Barnet Station (Stop Q)Highbridge FarmHighbridge RoadHighdown WayHighfield AvenueHigh Holborn RoadHighlands Post OfficeHigh StreetHigh Street CoachHigh Street (Stand A)High Street (Stop H)High Street (Stop J)Highways RoadHill CloseHillcrest AvenueHill FarmHillier ArboretumHilliers Garden CentreHill Park RoadHillsideHillside Avenue (Stop Fj)Hillside RoadHillson DriveHillview Manor ParkHilsea Crescent (Stop G)Hilsea Lido (Stop B)Hiltingbury CourtHilton HotelHindhead RoadHinton Ampner ParkHinton HillHispano AvenueHms NelsonHobb LaneHockley CottagesHockley Golf ClubHockley ViaductHocombe DriveHodinott CloseHoeford BrtHoe RoadHollam CrescentHolland DriveHolly HillHolly Tree FarmHollywater CrossroadsHollywell AvenueHolyrood Church (Stop Bj)Holyrood Church (Stop Bk)Holy Trinity ChurchHomebaseHome FarmHome Farm GardensHome MeadHome Rule RoadHoney HangerHoney LaneHoneysuckle LaneHook RoadHook VinneyHooper DriveHordle RoadHorse & JockeyHorton Heath CrossroadsHorton RoadHoughton CornerHoughton LodgeHulbert Road RoundaboutHundred Acres WoodHunters ChaseHunts CloseHunts Pond RoadHurricane DriveHursley RoadHut Farm PlaceHyde Church LaneHyde StreetHyldeborne RoadHythe RoadIbm Main EntranceIce Cream ParlourIda RoadIlyton AvenueImadene CrescentInfant SchoolInstituteInstitute RoadInternational Port (Stand A)Itchen Bridge WestItchen CloseJackdaw CloseJacksons FarmJames Grieve AvenueJames RoadJermyns LaneJessie RoadJesty RoadJewry Street (Stop N)Jewry Street (Stop U)Johns RoadJolly Farmer LaneJubilee RoadJunction RoadJupp'S LaneJurd WayKatrine CrescentKerry DriveKidsley GrangeKilham LaneKing Arthurs WayKings CornerKingsgate RoadKings RoadKingswood RiseKirkley DriveKnights PlaceKnightwood RoadKnowle AvenueKnowle CottagesKnowle ShopsLadycroft CrossroadsLake CourtLambourn SquareLance'S HillLance'S Hill (Stop Bc)Landmark Place (Stop S)Langbury CloseLangham PlaceLangrish HouseLansdowne RoadLauder HouseLaunceston DriveLaurel FarmLaverstoke MillLaw CourtsLawn DriveLawrence Campe CloseLaxton CloseLay ByLeabrooks RoadLegion LaneLeigh RoadLeisure CentreLester AvenueLeverton StoresLiberty RoadLibraryLibrary (Stop Le)LightsfieldLime LaneLincoln GreenLinden Lea ShopsLinden Road (Stop H)Linden Road (Stop J)Lindford BridgeLinks RoadLinnets Road H&RLion GreenLipizzaner FieldsListmas RoadLittle CornerLittle PaddocksLittleton HouseLittleton StudLocke RoadLocks Heath CentreLocks Heath SchoolsLodge RoadLong BarnLongdown CottagesLong Park JunctionLongwood CrossroadsLopcombe CornerLoscoe GrangeLotts StoresLovells WalkLower Bullington TurnLower Duncan RoadLower Moors RoadLowfields RoadLowford HillLowland RoadLowlands FarmLow RoadLubeck DriveLymington BottomLynch LaneLyn Ellis CloseLyonsdown Road (Stop P)Lysses Court (Stop Y)Lysses Court (Stop Z)
Magdalen Hill CemeteryMagdalen Hill DownMagistrates CourtMagna Carta SchoolMagpie Hall RoadMain RoadMalthouse CloseMalt House CloseManley RoadManor CottagesManor FarmManor Farm CloseManor Farm CrossroadsManor Farm GreenManor Farm LaneManor Farm RoadManor Road Barnet (Stop Y)Maple DriveMarine CrescentMarine DriveMarine Parade (Stop N)Market PlaceMarket Place (Stop 1)Market Place (Stop H1)Markson RoadMarks & SpencerMarlands LaneMarlands (Stop Ak)Marlborough GardensMarlow CloseMarls RoadMartins FieldsMartley GardensMarwell Zoo Car ParkMaunsell WayMaurys LaneMayfair RoadMayfield AvenueMayflower RoadMayles CornerMaypoleMaytree GardensMeadow CourtMeadow Drive (Stop Ca)MeadowviewMeadow WayMeadow Way SubwayMelchet RoadMeon HouseMercedes GarageMercia AvenueMeridian CloseMeridian RoadMethodist ChurchMicheldever RoadMidanbury LaneMiddle Farm CottageMiddle HillMiddle Park WayMiddleton AvenueMidland RoadMilford HouseMilford Mill RoadMill Cross CottagesMill Hill SchoolMill LaneMill RoadMill Road ShopsMill StreetMilton Road RbtMilward RoadMinden WayMisslebrook LaneMitre CopseMomford RoadMon CrescentMonk RoadMoorhill GardensMoorlands RoadMorant CrescentMorelands SchoolMoreleigh CrossMorley HayesMorley ManorMoss RoadMother KellysMoth FarmMountbatten CourtMount PleasantMuirfield DriveMulberry LaneMullens RoadMuseum Of Army FlyingMuss LaneMyddelton ParkNational TyresNations HillNearwood DriveNelson RoadNettlebeds LaneNewbarn RoadNewbridge TurnNew Clock InnNew CottagesNew Farm RoadNew InnNewlands InnNew RoadNew StreetNewtown RoadNichol RoadNightingale RoadNorman CloseNorth Circular Road (Stop Ch)North DriveNorth EndNorthfieldsNorth HillNorth Houghton FarmNorthlands RoadNorth PondNorth Stroud LaneNorth WallsNursery RoadNursing HomeNutcombe LaneNutley DriveNutley RoadOakdeneOaklands SchoolOaklands WayOakley HallOakley RoadOakley SchoolsOakmount AvenueOak RoadOakwood AvenueOatlands RoadOcean CloseOctavia HillOffice For National StatisticsOld Barn CrescentOldbury WayOld Durley ChapelOld NurseriesOld Park RoadOld Police HouseOld Pumping StationOld Salisbury RoadOld School HouseOld Station RoadOld Wainfleet RoadOlivers Battery RoadOpposite Royal Seven Stars Hotel (Stop E)Orchard RoadOrrs MeadowOsborne MewsOsborne RoadOtterbourne Hill GreenOx Drove TrackOxford Street (Stop Qc)Oxford Street (Stop Qd)Paddock ViewPalmerston Drive BrtParadise LaneParish ChurchParish Church (Stop J)Park GatePark GatesParkland CampingPark LanePark LodgePark Parade (Stop A)Park Parade (Stop B)Park PlacePark RoadPark Walk (Stop Ah)ParkwayParkwood CentrePassfield Mill Ind EstPeak CrossPeake New RoadPeak LanePear TreePease HillPeatburn AvenuePeel CommonPembroke Road / St Peters Church (Stop Cd)Peppercorn WayPerins SchoolPest HousesPetersfield BypassPetersfield RoadPeter SymondsPetit WayPetrol StationPevensey GardenPeverells Road - SchPeverells Wood AvenuePhrosso RoadPidham CottagePidham FarmPilgrims ClosePinsent RoadPitt P&RPitt RoundaboutPitt VillagePlantation CottagePlaying FieldsPoets WayPolecat Hill TurnPoles LanePolice StationPondPondside LanePooley Green CrossingPoplar Farm InnPortal RoadPortsmouth Golf CoursePortsmouth RoadPost BoxPost OfficePotters Heron InnPound CottagesPound LanePound RoadP&R EastPrecinctPrecinct (Stop A)Precinct (Stop B)Precinct (Stop C)Priest Hill KennelsPrimary SchoolPrince Of WalesPrinces Mead SchoolPrinces RoadPrinces StreetPriors Hill LanePriory CourtProspect RoadProspect StreetP&R PortsmouthPump House MewsPurbeck DrivePurbrook Way RoundaboutQa Hospital Main (Stop F)Qa Steps (Stop E)Quarely RoadQuarry RoadQuayside RoadQuay Street (Stop X)Queens Avenue (Stop A)Queens GroveQueens MeadQueens RoadQuiet WatersRacecourse LaneRachel Madocks SchoolRaebarn CloseRaglan CloseRail Station Forecourt (Stop A)Rail Station (Stop B)Rail Station (Stop R)Railway StationRailway Station (Stop Qb)Railway Station (Stop Qc)Railway Station (Stop Wa)Railway Station (Stop Wb)Railway Station (Stop X)Ramalley LaneRampart RoadRandall RoadRanelagh RoadRanvilles LaneRareridge LaneRatcliffe RoadRecreation GroundRectory LaneRectory RoadRedcroft LaneRedhill CrossroadsRedlands Lane BrtRegent RoadRetail ParkRibble CloseRichards CloseRichborough DriveRichmond RiseRiders LaneRidge LaneRidgemount AvenueRiver LaneRiver Park Leisure CentreRiverside GreenRiverside VillasRiver ViewRobertson RoadRobin HoodRochford Tower LaneRoebuck AvenueRollerworldRomans RoadRomsey HospitalRookery AvenueRookesbury HallRookham Lodge FarmRose And CrownRosebery RoadRosehill FarmRoundabout B3275Roundstone FarmRowan WayRowdell CottagesRowlands RoadRowner CrossroadsRowner LaneRoyal DriveRoyal Hampshire County HospitalRoyal Holloway CollegeRoyal JaipurRoyal OakRoyston AvenueRudgwick AvenueRudmore Roundabout (Stand C)Rushmoor LaneRussell DriveRussell Place (Stop V)Sainfoin LaneSainsburySainsburysSainsbury'SSainsburys (Stop G)Sainsburys StoreSalcot RoadSalisbury LaneSandringham RoadSandy HillSarisbury GreenSarum HouseSarum RoadSaville CrescentSawyers CloseSaxholm WaySaxon WayScarbrough AvenueSchool LaneSchool RoadScience CentreScott RoadScratchface LaneSeafield AvenueSea LaneSeathorne CrescentSeathorne Primary SchoolSegensworth RoadSegensworth RoundaboutSelborne DriveService StationShady BowerShady Bower CloseShadycombe RoadShamblehurst Lane NorthShawcroft AvenueShaw Farm GateShawford DownShawford StationShaws CornerSheepgateSheep Pond LaneSheet Street (Stop St)Shell GarageShelterShepherds RoadSherwood AvenueShootash CrossroadsShopping ParadeShorehavenShort CrossShorts RoadShuttle StreetSilk MillSilverdale DriveSimonds CourtSir Galahad RoadSkipper RoadSlab LaneSleepers HillSmalley Green FarmSmalley HallSmugglers WalkSnakemoor FarmSoake RoadSoberton Village HallSolent HotelSolent University (Stop Ie)Solomons LaneSomborne Park RoadSomborne TurningSomers CloseSorley Green CrossSouthbank ESouth DownSouth Downs CollegeSouth Hams HospitalSouthington CloseSouthlea
South Milton TurnSouth P&RSouth P&R (Stop 1)South P&R (Stop 2)South P&R (Stop 3)South RoadSouth Wonston TurnSovereign DriveSparkford CloseSparrowgroveSparsholt CollegeSparsholt TurningSports CentreSports GroundSportsman'S ClubSports & Social ClubSpringfieldSpring LaneSquires WalkStag GatesStaines Bridge (Stop C)Staines Sainsbury'SStainsby Avenue 39Stakes LodgeStakes RoadStandon FarmSt Andrews ChurchSt Andrews CloseSt Andrews SchoolStanmore LaneStanmore SchoolSt Annes CloseSt Annes RoadStation ApproachStation RoadStation Roundabout (Stop S)Station (Stop E)Station (Stop F)St Austell StreetSt Barnabas ChurchSt CatherinesSt Christophers CloseStephenson RoadSt FrancisSt Francis AvenueStinchar DriveStirling CrescentSt James ChurchSt Johns AvenueSt John'S AvenueSt Johns ChurchSt Johns CrossSt John'S MewsSt Jude'S CemeterySt Jude'S CloseSt Kilda CottagesSt LukesSt Margarets LaneSt Margarets RoundaboutSt Martins SchoolSt Marys CemeterySt Marys ChurchSt Michael'S LaneStockbridge RoadStocks LaneStoke CharityStoke RoadStoke Wood SurgeryStoneham ParkStonehanger CottagesStone SquareStoney Lane CornerStores RoadSt Osmunds SchoolStows Caravan SiteSt Pauls ChurchSt Paul'S ChurchSt Peters ChurchStratford PlaceStratford RoadStrawberry LaneStroud FarmStroudwood LaneSt Swithun'S SchoolSt. Thomas ChurchSt Valerie RoadSt Vigor WaySun Hill SchoolSunningdale GardensSunnydown RoadSunnymead DriveSurgerySutton Manor FarmSwanmore School GroundsSwanwick LaneSwanwick Shore RoadSwanwick StationSweet StreetSweets Way (Stop G)Swift RoadTaplings CloseTarn RoadTaylors CornerTechnology CollegeTeg Down MeadsTelegraph LaneTennyson CrescentTerminus TerraceTesco Derby RoadTesco ExpressTesco - SchTesco (Stop H)Test RoadThames Street (Stop H)The Admiral Nelson PhThe Arc (Stop Ta)The Arc (Stop Tb)Theatre Royal (Stop G)The AvenueThe Barleycorn (Stop C)The BellThe Bell InnThe BitternThe Black DogThe Bold ForresterThe Boot InnThe Brambridge ArmsThe Brigadier GerardThe Broadway (Stand 5)The Broadway (Stand 7)The Broadway (Stand B)The Castle InnThe ChapelThe Chilworth ArmsThe Co-OpThe CrescentThe CricketersThe DeanThe DriveThe Elm TreeThe FairwayThe FalconThe FarthingsThe FoxThe Fox And PelicanThe Fox InnThe GablesThe GardensThe GeorgeThe George & FalconThe George InnThe Gospel HallThe GreenThe GreendaleThe Hall WayThe Hard Interchange (Stand C)The Hard Interchange (Stand D)The Henty ArmsThe HollowThe Holly TreeThe HurdlesThe King CharlesThe Kings HeadThe LidoThe March HareThe MinersThe MinstrelsThe MountsThe Napoleon PhThe Northbrook ArmsThe Nuffield HospitalThe Old ForgeThe Old InnThe Parkway CentreThe PasturesThe PeakThe Pillar BoxThe PloughThe PotteriesThe PoundThe Purefoy ArmsThe RainbowThe RectoryThe Ridgeway Friern BarnetThe River InnThe Romsey SchoolThe Royal ExchangeThe SeagullThe Seven StarsThe ShipThe Ship InnThe Shoe InnThe ShraveThe SquareThe Square (Stop A)The Square (Stop B)The StrandThe SurgeryThe SwanThe ThicketThe Thomas LordThe Three SchoolsThe ValleyThe Village InnThe Villager PhThe VineyardsThe White HorseThe Woolpack InnThickets HouseThornden SchoolThornhill AvenueThorn RoadThree Maids HillThurmond RoadTichborne WayTiconderoga GardensTilshead CaravansTimor CloseTitchfield Park RoadTithelands LaneToby CarveryTollgate CloseTooley LaneTown HallTown Hall (Stop D)Toynbee SchoolTrampers LaneTravelodgeTreefield FarmTregolls Road Dual CarriagewayTregolls Road HillTresillian Business ParkTrinity PTrinity Street (Stop U)Tripps EndTrunch LaneTruro AudiTruro CollegeTruro College Main EntranceTrussell CrescentTuftonTurnpike CottagesTurnpike DownTurnpike RoadTylers CloseTyndallsUnderhill (Stop W)Union Street Barnet (Stop F)Upbury WayUpham StreetUplands FarmUplands RoadUpper Brook StreetUpper St Helens RoadUpton CrescentValley View RoadVenture RoundaboutVian CloseVian PlaceVicarage LaneVictena RoadVictoria Park (Stand P)Victoria Park (Stand Q)Victoria Road (Stop D)Victoria Road (Stop E)Victoria StreetVictory RoundaboutVillage CentreVillage Centre (Stop E)Village HallVillage PondVincent HouseViney AvenueViney RidgeVinnells LaneWaggoners WellsWaitroseWalfield Avenue (Stop L)Wallace AvenueWalled MeadowWallers AshWallop AacWallop IndustriesWall'S LaneWalpole RoadWaltham GrangeWalton CloseWalworth RoundaboutWardle RoadWar MemorialWar Memorial HallWarsash RoadWarwick CourtWatercress MeadowWaterfront Bus Station (Stand A)Water LaneWatersedgeWatkin RoadWatkinson StreetWatley LaneWavell WayWaverley DriveWebster RoadWeeke Primary SchoolWellesley CourtWell HillWellington NWellington Street Stop G (Stop G)Wells-In-The-FieldWendover RoadWessex ParkWessex Vale CrematoriumWest Alvington HillWestbourne TerraceWestbury HouseWest Downs CampusWest DriveWestern By-PassWestern RoadWestfield RoadWestgate SchoolWestgate (Stop Pa)Westgate (Stop Pb)West HillWest Hill Park SchoolWestlands GroveWestley LaneWestley TurningWest LodgeWestman RoadWest Meon HutWeston Junior SchoolWestquay (Stop Bf)Westquay (Stop Bg)Westquay (Stop Bp)Westquay (Stop Bs)Westward RoadWest WayWey HillWheatears DriveWhetstone High Road / Friern Barnet Lane (Stop I)Whinwhistle CornerWhite HorseWhite Horse Service StationWhite OaksWhite RoadWhites WayWhytewaysWickettsgreen FarmWickham BridgeWickham Rd CemeteryWickham Road RbtWildern SchoolWild RidingsWilliam CloseWillis WayeWillowdene CloseWillow MeadWilsons RoadWilton Road /Colney Hatch Lane (Stop Cc)Wiltshire CollegeWimsey WayWinchester RoadWindmere CottagesWindmill InnWindmill PlaceWindsor Road McdonaldsWinnall Manor RoadWinslade RoadWinston LaneWinterbourne RoadWintershill FarmWinthorpe AvenueWinton SchoolWitherbed LaneWitt RoadWold CottagesWonston LaneWoodcote Manor CottagesWoodcroftWood End WayWoodhouse LaneWoodhouse Lane SchWoodland DroveWoodlands CentreWoodlands WayWoodley CloseWoolford CloseWoolston RoadWordsworth RoadWorking Mens ClubWorthy Down TurnWorthy LaneWorthy RoadWright Lane EndWych Lane BrtWymering LaneWythes LaneWyvern SchoolYacht ClubYarde Gate NurseryYew Tree CottageYew Tree Drive
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